Sunday, 22 November 2015

The life of UPM students

Hi, my name athirah but people called me berry.. Why Berry? don't ask me that i hate that question.. Okay lets get back to our stories. today i want total about How My Life as University students in UPM as Student in course Foundation of science and Agriculture.
Yeh!, we are batch 11 in asper there have about 720 student in that course ..
Of course ,there is many challenging went we at there. The first thing i have to be expert in push people to get into the bus because there will always be pushing tragedy before we get into the bus. We have the motto the best win! .Yeah, the student in Upm actually not because the does not have manners when they want to get into the bus. That actually because the other student does not have any patient to get into the bus. That's why the tragedy is going on?. If we patient and queue up before get into the bus, we could not get into the bus until the end of the world or u wait about 1 hours for the next bus. Thus, the solution you must wake up early to take the bus . Early about one hour before your Kuliah started!. What i was not satisfied is when Degree or Barchelor student in sem breaks ,we are just like people in poor country , searching for food because the restaurant which is open only one and the restaurant does not have delicious food because the chicken is hard as stone. 

Eventhough it hard to live as student UPM, but what i amazed is when we sick we as student just go to PKU for free of medicine no need to pay at all just show your card matrix as student in upm. Next, the course does not have tough subject except for physic and math. I hate math but have to changed that mind set!. The most subject in that course is Agriculture subject, we do a lot of sweet things in that course. We also get the schoolarship for foundation by government  in one sem we get about 1000 and above.  We studies only in one year which consist of 3 semester that means three times we get schoolarship by government.

Owh, to many things to said ..we will be continue in the next blog.